We have our methods!
We can’t describe how important a good approach is towards a successfull realisation. Our approach is the same on every service we provide. Because we like to keep it simple. Even for us :-).

1. Briefing
We listen to your needs, to your whishes, expectations and to your future roadmap with your new investment.
We setup a first draft timeline and calculate a first budgetestimation together for the new installation.

2. Brainstorm
We create the High Level Design, a more detailed timeline of the project and we write out the the detailed expectations of the entire flow before we are going to the vendors or system integrators.

3. Design
After assigning the right partners for your project we can create or guide you through the Detailed level Design. Including wiring schemes, rack layouts and full equipment lists including detailed network schemes thanks to our intuitive IPAM solution.

4. Integration & Configuration
Together with the system experts from the vendors we can configure your setup as needed to give your operators the easy to use experience.

5. Service after installation
We deliver the correct AS-Build schemes and can support you in the long term with the new installation. Because we don’t believe in projects, we believe in partnerships.
Some of the projects we did in the past.
Mainly in a previous life as CTO of DB Video.

Tomorrowland Virtual 2020
Technical Lead Broadcasting & Keying

European Council – TV Studio
Project Management and System Configuration

Flemish Parliament – TV Studio in visitors centre
Audiovisual system design and Project coordination

European Elections 2019
Technical coordination Host Broadcasting